Thursday, October 17, 2013

"What Is An American?"

The Google definition of an American is a native or citizen of the United States. My definition of an American is someone who pursues a life of freedom and equality. If we want to get technical with it, nobody in America is technically an American. The Natives were the only true Americans. But because of the European Exploration and the fact that basically the whole race was eradicated, there are no more “true” Americans. But as of today there are many different representations of what an American is. The image people think of when they think of an American is a blond hair, blue eyed person, when really Americans are the complete opposite. Yes, there is blond hair, blue eyed people, but there are also brown hair, brown eyed people, red hair, and green eyed people. Americans are all different shapes, sizes, colors, races, and religions. We are in some way a giant melting pot of people. No we are not perfect, we are FAR from perfect, but we try to offer a better life for all people. Our policies and way of thinking can be screwed up some times but we try to improve the way of life for everyone. An American is someone who truly wants to better the life of their self and everyone around them. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your ending sentence. But isn't that the same way of life for citizens of other nations? What if how people define Americans as the same as how people define others of another nation? Then what are we then?
