Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Hallway

     I stood in the middle of the semi crowed hall of our school and wondered why he had such a hold on me. There wasn’t one thing I didn’t like about him, and trust me I looked. He was perfect in every way I could think of, or even fathom. As I stood in the middle of this hallway lost in my own world, I caught a whiff of the smell I’ve become so addicted to in these past weeks, the smell of a sweet must that could only secrete from his pores. I breathed in heavily trying to catch as much of his scent as I could, as I held in this unique fragrance of his, I closed my eyes and clutched the 5 pound United States History book I held in my arms to my chest. I knew he was here. As I reopened my eyes and untangled my book from my arms I turned in the direction of which I knew he would be and stared. There he was, his 6 foot 2 inch frame barely missing the light fixtures hanging from the roof as he walked the hallway without a care in the world. He ran his large hand through his light brown high top curls, and smiled. He slowly lowered his hand back to his side, where it rested on the navy blue Levi jeans he was wearing that day. I looked at him up and down taking in every detail. From the way the curls at the top of his head leaned to the left a tad as he walked, to the way his broad shoulders kept his book bag hovering right above his waist, to the way his shirt clung to the defined chest muscles he possessed underneath. He wore his Levi’s an inch below his waist line, allowing me to see a peak of his briefs, his jeans fit so perfectly on his body that he didn’t even need a belt to hold them around his waist. He cuffed the end of his pants to a point in which they hovered about half an inch above the top of his shoe and you could slightly see his red, white, and blue Nike elite socks he wore underneath. On his feet were special edition Nike Roche Run’s, they were designed to look like a beautiful Caribbean beach coast which matched perfectly with the Hawaiian design that was on his shirt. After taking all of this in I slowly moved my eyes back up to his face, to admire the beauty that he possessed there. His skin was the color of honey and looked as soft as a cloud on a beautiful sunny day. His smile was dazzling white and amazingly straight, which shockingly was purely natural. There was not one blemish that marked his face, and if there was it would be as beautiful as him. He walked slowly down the hall, stopping at the lone porcelain water fountain, bent over and got a drink. From the angle I was standing I had a full view of his back, as I stood there staring noticing how perfectly defined his muscles were, the loud ringing of the start class bell interrupted my view. He quickly stood up and turned to his left taking three long bounds from his standing position to the light sliver door not too far down the hall from which he was. He grabbed the handle and slowly slipped in. As the door clicked back into place I was awakened from the dazed state I was in and noticed I was also late to class. I ran down the empty hollow hall seeing nothing but the blur of red lockers that lined the walls. As I approached the light gray door, I readjusted myself before grabbing the slick metal handle, pulling the door slightly open and sliding myself between the small gap in which I created. As the door closed behind me, everyone eyes shifted towards my body and I could feel my face becoming slightly red. The teacher looked at me slowly raising her right eyebrow, as if telling me without words to go sit down. I took the hint and turned towards the rows of desk arranged before me, as I studied the class looking for an empty seat my heart slowly stopped as I found one. It was positioned right next to where he was, and I took this as a gift from the Gods. I slowly walked through the columns of seats to till I reached mine; I slid my body gently into the chair as placing my book bag on the floor beside me. As I turned around in my desk to face the board I felt a slight tap on my forearm. I slowly turned my neck in the direction I was tapped and there he slowly smiled at me and asked “Can I borrow a pencil?” I turned quickly grabbed one out of my book bag and handed it to him, he took it smiled again and winked at me before turning back to the board. Leaving me questioning what he meant. 

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