Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Arrivals... There Goes The Neighborhood"

I think it’s not right for people to come in and take over neighborhoods but sometimes it’s not always the new comers fault. Let’s take Chicago for example, we are the most segregated cities in the United States and the main reason is when one races moves in the original one moves out. When newly freed slaves started to move North after the Civil War whites weren't too happy about it. There were all kinds of segregation and splitting up until the Civil Rights Act even after that there was still discrimination. And in today’s society in Chicago you can clearly tell that. It’s sad but true when people base your personality on what side of the city and neighborhood you live on/in. The city has been separated into race. Examples: Pilsen is basically a all Latino community, South Shore is mostly a African American neighborhood. It’s crazy how things are, when the South side area became a hub for low income housing many African Americans moved out there on Section 8. And many to all the Caucasian moved to the suburbs or up North towards downtown and that’s a shame. But after they left these neighborhoods they did go down the drain. There is many drugs and violent activity going on and they basically left them there and didn't care. These places are basically considered “Hoods” or “Ghettos” and before they tore them down “Projects”. These places are food deserts and much more. But I guess “There went the neighborhood.”

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree...I really hate it when people automatically make assumptions about you when you tell them what part of Chicago you live in, and that is REALLY sad and annoying. For example..."I'm from Little Village"..."oh my god how did you get into Whitney Young coming from those type of schools?!"
